[frame src=”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Petra-natural-laundry-soap. jpg” target=”_self” width=”620″ height=”363″ alt=”Petra Old Soap laundry Detergent” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]Note: I’ve partnered with Petra Naturals to bring you this Post.
I’m giving away two totally free packages of natural laundry detergent from Petra. Leave a comment to enter. Klicke hier.
We’ve all heard of organic soaps and detergents for people and pets, but this new product is really different.
The natural laundry detergent from Petra Naturals called “Old Soap” is biodegradable, non-toxic and really fragrance free.
This product is the ideal service for people or animals with allergies or sensitivities to fragrances because it includes just two ingredients.
The ingredients include:
powdered, organic soap nuts and
all-natural washing soda
Das ist es. This is really a hypoallergenic product.
Soap nuts are actually berries that are de-seeded and dried, Petra said. They are used as a natural laundry detergent because they release a cleaning agent called saponin. much more on soap nuts below.
Why fragrance totally free is so essential for people or animals with allergies
If you have a family member or pet with skin allergies, I highly recommend you look into Petra’s laundry detergent. Klicke hier.
My husband is a good example of someone who is very allergic to nearly all fragrances found in soaps, shampoos and household cleaning products.
Because of this, we avoid all fragrances in our home, but it’s challenging to find products that are fragrance totally free and natural.
[quote_center]If you have a family member or pet with skin allergies, I highly recommend you look into Petra’s laundry detergent.[/quote_center]
Most natural cleaning products include strong fragrances like lavender oil, cedar oil, sage, etc. We can’t have those fragrances in our home because my husband is allergic.
Prior to receiving Petra’s Old Soap laundry detergent, we had actually been washing our clothes with no detergent at all – just hot water – because even the “fragrance free” detergents we tried still had a fragrance.
Could your canine or cat be allergic to fragrances?
Many animals seem to have allergies, but their owners aren’t quite sure on the cause.
The pet’s food is often blamed, but another element to consider is environment, including household fragrances.
[quote_center]Imagine if your canine or cat is allergic to certain fragrances in your home …[/quote_center]
Imagine if your canine or cat is allergic to certain fragrances in your home and how miserable that could make him feel. This could be anything from scented candles to air fresheners to natural flea and tick products to hand soaps and of course laundry detergents.
Do you really want to wash your dog’s bedding in chemicals or strong fragrances that are potentially making his skin itchy?
More info on soap nuts
The cleaning agent in soap nuts is very gentle and works well for washing delicate fabrics, Petra said.
It also removes odors and I’ve had success using the detergent to wash things like pet bedding and workout clothes.
According to Petra, soap nuts:
1. Are hypoallergenic, non-toxic and all-natural.
2. Can be used as a shampoo for people or animals or for general cleaning, like wiping countertops.
3. Are safe for the environment.
Petra’s laundry detergent is made with soap-nut powder, but if you choose to purchase just the soap nuts you can by a 100-gm bag from Petra on Amazon for $14.95 (normally $19.98). Klicke hier.
What I like about Petra’s Old Soap laundry detergent
It is really fragrance totally free and hypoallergenic. good for dogs with itchy skin.
It efficiently cleans my laundry, including pet bedding. It leaves the clothes feeling clean and smooth.
Contains no toxins or chemicals. It’s a good option if you have kids or pets.
Make sure to leave a comment below to enter our giveaway!
What’s not so good
Some people won’t like that there is no fragrance. certainly not a problem for me!
The soap does not create a lot of suds. No big deal, but I know some people need to see lots of suds in purchase to feel their clothes are clean.
Petra says each 16-ounce package should last for about 23 loads of laundry. I’ve seen how numerous loads of laundry some families do in a week. For them, it might be best to order multiple containers at once so there’s less re-ordering.
Does Petra’s Old Soap detergent actuVerbündete Arbeit?
Ja. Ich habe die alte Seife für allgemeine Wäschezwecke wie Waschen von Trainingskleidung, Blättern, Handtüchern und Haustierbetten verwendet.
[QUOTE_CENTER] Dies ist ein großes Waschmittel, das für Sie, Ihre Haustiere und die Umgebung sicher ist. [/quote_center]
Ich habe es nicht für ernsthaft befleckte Materialien verwendet, aber ich kann mir vorstellen, dass es genauso gut funktioniert wie viele Reinigungsmittel. Das Unternehmen sagt auf seiner Website, dass die alte Seife sogar zum Waschen von Stoffwindeln verwendet werden kann!
Darauf kommt es an, ist ein großer Waschmittel, der für Sie, Ihre Haustiere und die Umwelt sicher ist.
Hat einer von Ihnen schon einmal Seifenmuttern für Reinigungszwecke verwendet? Ich bin gespannt, was du denkst!
Werbegeschenk – Probieren Sie Petras Waschmittel kostenlos aus
Petra Naturals verleiht zwei Lesern dieses Mutts einen völlig kostenlosen 16-Unzen-Behälter seiner alten Seife Waschmittel.
Hinterlassen Sie einfach einen Kommentar unten, um mich wissen zu lassen, dass Sie interessiert sind.
Ich werde die Gewinner am Donnerstag am Donnerstag, den 27. August, nach dem Zufallsprinzip auswählen und sie hier bekannt geben. Muss eine Mailingadresse in den zusammenhängenden Vereinigten Staaten haben, um zu gewinnen.
*Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Daniel S. und Riraho!
Wenn Sie Petra’s Pulvered -Wäscherei -Seife kaufen möchten, ist sie bei Amazon für 15,99 US -Dollar (normalerweise 24,95 USD) erhältlich. Klicke hier.
Sehen Sie auch meinen Beitrag zu Petras natürlichen Hundekauen.
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